OM Guru 360

OM Guru 360


Discover the array of benefits that OM Guru 360's spiritual healing for your home brings. Our services offer a range of advantages that will enhance your living space. Experience the soothing comfort of a house blessing, ensuring a harmonious environment. Enjoy the added warmth and security of home protection, creating a sanctuary for you and your loved ones. Additionally, embrace the joy that comes from acknowledging and nurturing faith within the sacred walls of your home.


OM Guru 360 offers spiritual healing services that are designed to create a harmonious and positive living environment for all residents. Our spiritual healing not only clears and reflects negative and evil spirits back to their source, but it also has the power to minimize vastu dosh and feng shui afflictions in your house.


By applying our deep understanding of the principles of vastu and feng shui, we bring balance and positivity to your home. This promotes abundance, success, and well-being in all areas of your life. Trust in our expert spiritual healing services to transform your house into a sanctuary of peace and prosperity.

a) To ensure I can provide you with the best possible service and results, please provide me with the complete postal address of your home or office, including the exact street address, city, and zip code, so I can make sure I am sending the spiritual healing/distance healing therapies to the right destination.


This way I can more accurately pinpoint the exact location of the spiritual healing being performed and direct the spiritual energy more precisely to your desired location.

A single mistake in the address provided could mean the difference between a powerful and meaningful healing experience, or one that falls short of expectations. So when providing me with the address for your spiritual healing needs, please ensure that it is accurate and complete!


b)  Kindly provide me with the most recent photographs of your home or office


c) To help me understand the issues you are facing, kindly provide me with a detailed explanation of your current circumstance. With this information, I can better gauge how I can assist you in overcoming these worries.


d) I am at your service, ready to offer spiritual healing,distance healing therapies,mantra recitation and prayers for your home with the information given.


I will utilize all of my knowledge and expertise to find the proper spiritual healing that will bring you relief from your worries and solutions to your issues.


As I do these spiritual healing, I will be in deep concentration to focus on the energy of the healing, hoping to bring about a positive transformation in your life.


I understand the importance of adhering to tradition, so I shall do the spiritual healing for 9 days, as this is the necessary ritual to help manifest your desires.


It is my pleasure to be able to help you on this journey, and I hope that when these 9 days are over, you will have found peace and clarity.

As a spiritual healer, I take great pride in my ability to provide protection and shield home from harmful influences. I understand the importance of proof and validating the effectiveness of my spiritual healing therapies, mantras, and prayers.


To ensure my clients’ confidence, I offer a simple pendulum test that can demonstrate the positive impact of my spiritual healing on their well-being. This test serves as tangible evidence that my work is not only powerful but also directly impacting the lives of those I assist. It is my duty as a professional spiritual healer to offer this form of proof and reassure my clients of the benefits they are receiving.


As a spiritual healer, I believe in the power of energy and its ability to bring positive changes in one’s life. Before I begin any healing work for your home, I would like you to hold a pendulum over the photo of your home or on the floor of your home. You will observe that it moves in an anti-clockwise direction.


However, after I initiate the spiritual healing on your home, I urge you to do the same pendulum test again over the photo of your home or on the floor of your home. To your amazement, the pendulum will now turn in a clockwise direction. This is a result of the powerful spiritual healing that I perform, which starts to work immediately. Therefore, do not be surprised if you begin to experience positive transformations in your life in the near future.


The Law of Resonance is a fundamental concept in spiritual healing that states everything in the universe is energy or vibration. When a powerful divine vibration is introduced, it has the ability to overpower and dispel negative energies, often referred to as black and dark energies.


These black and dark energies have no choice but to flee and reflect back to the individuals who transmitted them. This is how my spiritual healing practices can bring about positive change in your lives.


By harnessing the power of divine vibrations, I can help you release and transform any negative energies that may be holding you back, allowing you to experience a higher state of well-being and spiritual growth.

Many of my clients approach me feeling burdened and drained. However, after just a few days, and sometimes even as early as 3 days, of my spiritual healing services for their homes, they often experience something truly remarkable: a profound shift towards a more positive and energized state.


The power of spiritual healing is truly remarkable. People who have experienced it describe a profound transformation in their homes, as if a heavy burden has been lifted. They often mention a newfound sense of calmness and a more positive outlook on their living spaces. It is truly awe-inspiring to witness the impact that spiritual healing can have on individuals and their surroundings.

The effects of spiritual healing can be quite remarkable and may start to become apparent within a relatively short period of time, typically between 9 to 30 days. However, in more complex situations, it is important to note that it may require some additional time, possibly up to 90 days, for the full results of the spiritual healing to fully manifest.

The effectiveness of my spiritual healing is significant, however, it's important to note that the desired results may not be immediately noticeable and can take some time to manifest.

Many individuals who seek spiritual guidance often wonder whether a single spiritual healing session is sufficient to remove negative energies from their homes. The answer to this query is not as simple as a straightforward yes or no.
Every dwelling possesses distinctive energy properties, rendering each individual's abode truly one-of-a-kind.
The effectiveness of using spiritual healing to combat black magic and evil spirits varies for each home, depending on the intensity of the negative energies directed towards them.
In certain homes, noticeable changes can occur within a few days, which makes a single session sufficient. However, for more complex cases, it may be necessary to have multiple sessions in order to achieve the desired results. As an experienced professional, I highly recommend scheduling follow-up sessions at intervals of forty-five days for these particular cases.
While this additional time may seem like a lot, it can be the difference between a miraculous recovery and having no visible results whatsoever. When a client is facing an issue with their homes of such complexity, the power of multiple spiritual healing sessions could be the key to achieving the desired outcome.
As each situation is unique, it is important to approach spiritual healing with an open mind and trust the process.

The answer is yes, and no.


Our spiritual healing services are designed to effectively remove negative energies from your home. However, it is important to note that in the dynamic and evolving nature of our world, nothing can be considered truly permanent. This includes even the most powerful spiritual healing and rituals.
However, it is important to note that these services can indeed be effective. When providing spiritual healing for your home, I go beyond simply addressing the surface level symptoms of the problem. Instead, my approach focuses on purifying and balancing the energy of your home, which leads to a lasting and transformative experience.
This type of transformation has the potential to significantly impact your life and provide you with long-lasting solutions to your problems.
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