OM Guru 360

OM Guru 360


Subliminal audio is a powerful tool that is designed to bypass the conscious mind and enter directly to the subconscious mind. This way, it brings positive changes more rapidly than other methods.


The conscious mind filters information, which can limit the effectiveness of affirmations and other self-improvement techniques. Subliminal audio, on the other hand, goes straight to the subconscious mind, where it can be processed and absorbed without interference.


This makes it a highly effective tool for personal development, as it can help to reprogram negative beliefs and behaviors, boost self-confidence, and unlock hidden potential.


With the right subliminal audio program, anyone can achieve lasting positive changes in their life.

At OM Guru 360, we understand that each individual is a unique being, shaped by their karmic energies.Therefore, we believe that generic subliminals will not work for everyone. 
Instead, we strive to provide personalized solutions to our clients by collecting all the necessary inputs from them. We take into consideration factors such as the specific situations they are facing and the duration of their struggles. 
We at OM Guru 360 take great care in embedding your full name, date of birth, and your parents' names along with our powerful customized mantras designed to meet your unique needs into our audios.
This unique method sets us apart from other subliminal audio providers who do not incorporate such specific details in their audios.
Our intention is to make it effortless for the audio to deeply influence your subconscious mind and deliver instant, desired outcomes.
This personalized approach guarantees that your desires and intentions are effortlessly manifested. 
Our goal is to provide effective and suitable methods for our clients to overcome their challenges and achieve inner peace. With our professional approach and personalized approach, we aim to help individuals on their journey towards self-discovery and growth.
What truly sets us apart from other subliminal audio providers is our unwavering commitment to offering the most potent mantras available anywhere in the world.
These mantras are not just ordinary words or phrases; they are divine vibrations that have been passed down through generations of spiritual masters.
With the blessings of my Guru, I have been granted access to these incredibly powerful mantras, and I am honored to share their transformative effects with the world.
I understand the concerns and doubts that may arise when using subliminal affirmations in a language that is not your primary one. 
However, I can assure you that the effectiveness of subliminal affirmations is not dependent on the language you know or don't know. 
The power of the subconscious mind transcends all barriers, including language. It is an omnipotent force that can understand and process information in any language. 
Therefore, rest assured that your journey with subliminal affirmations will be just as successful and transformative, regardless of your native tongue. 
Trust in the power of the subconscious mind and embrace the limitless possibilities it offers.

The time it takes to see results after using subliminal mantras audio can vary for each individual. Some people may notice changes in a few days, while for others it may take a few weeks or even longer.


It depends on factors such as the individual's mindset, openness to change, consistency in listening to the audio, and the specific goal or outcome they are seeking.


It is important to be patient and persistent in your practice to give the subliminal messages time to work their effects on the subconscious mind.

To achieve the maximum benefits from our subliminal mantra audio, it is recommended to listen to it daily for a period of at least 21 days. For optimal results, listen to the audio 6-9 times per day, preferably in a quiet and relaxed environment. Consistent and repeated exposure to the audio can help enhance its effectiveness and improve the overall impact on your well-being.


We recommend listening to our subliminal mantra audio daily even after experiencing positive results within 21 days. This continued practice can further enhance the benefits and support your overall well-being.

Yes, at OM Guru 360, we recommend using a 5Hz theta wave as a form of brain wave entertainment. This frequency has been found to facilitate the penetration of subliminal affirmations into the subconscious mind more effectively.

Additionally, we incorporate the solfeggio frequency of 528Hz, also known as the miracle frequency, in our audio.

By combining the power of the 5Hz theta wave, 528Hz solfeggio frequency, and our powerful and divine mantras, we can achieve remarkable results in a relatively short period of time.

Yes, the effectiveness of subliminal mantras audio can vary from person to person in terms of how quickly results are seen.

Factors such as individual mindset, receptiveness to suggestion, and personal circumstances can all influence the speed at which someone experiences results from using subliminal mantras audio.

Some individuals may notice changes more quickly, while others may take longer to see noticeable effects.

It is important to remember that results can also be influenced by consistency and regular practice in using subliminal mantras audio.

Effective techniques for listening to subliminal tracks can greatly enhance their effectiveness and help you achieve your desired results.

One important technique is to listen to the track consistently, preferably every day, until you see the desired changes. It is also beneficial to listen to the track in the morning right after waking up and at night before sleeping.

For even better results, it is recommended to listen to the track overnight on loop for a period of 21 days. This will allow your subconscious mind to fully absorb the affirmations and make the necessary changes.

With dedication and consistency, these techniques can greatly enhance the effectiveness of subliminal tracks and help you reach your goals.

The use of subliminal affirmations has been a topic of interest in the scientific community for decades.

Through rigorous research and studies, it has been proven that subliminal affirmations can have a significant impact on an individual's thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs. Dr. Norman Dixon, a renowned psychologist at UCL, conducted extensive research on subliminal learning and found that over 80% of the studies yielded positive results.

This demonstrates the effectiveness of subliminal affirmations in achieving desired outcomes. With a wealth of scientific evidence supporting its efficacy, there is no doubt that subliminal affirmations are a valid and powerful tool for personal growth and self-improvement.

Regularly listening to subliminal affirmations can have numerous benefits for one's personal growth and well-being.

These affirmations are positive and empowering statements that are played at a low volume, allowing them to bypass the conscious mind and directly influence the subconscious.

By consistently exposing oneself to these affirmations, individuals can rewire their thought patterns and beliefs, leading to a more positive mindset and increased self-confidence.

This practice can also improve focus and motivation, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote a sense of inner peace and happiness.

Additionally, listening to subliminal affirmations can aid in achieving personal goals and manifesting positive changes in one's life.


Overall, incorporating this practice into one's routine can greatly enhance mental and emotional well-being.

Absolutely! Extensive scientific research has confirmed that we are all capable of being influenced by subliminal messaging. 
At OM Guru 360, we offer you the opportunity to experience it firsthand and witness the incredible positive impact it can have on your life.

Binaural beats and isochronic tones are two types of brain wave entertainment techniques that have gained popularity in recent years for their potential benefits in promoting relaxation and improving focus.

Binaural beats involve listening to two different frequency tones, one in each ear, which creates a third tone in the brain that can help synchronize brainwaves and induce a desired state of mind.

Isochronic tones, on the other hand, use a single tone that is turned on and off at specific intervals, also aiming to influence brainwave activity.

While both techniques aim to achieve similar results, the key difference lies in the way the tones are delivered, with binaural beats requiring the use of headphones and isochronic tones being more accessible for use in various settings.

Certainly! We provide both binaural beats and isochronic tones for your selection. You have the option to purchase either the binaural beat version or the isochronic tones version according to your preference. When making your purchase, please indicate which version you would like to receive.

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